Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It Could Be Me

It Could Be Me

I see this woman day by day
At the bus stop, there she lay
Where's her family, where's her kin
No one helps, or lets her in

Clothes look dirty, old and worn
Her rough face looks dour, forlorn
Dark, sun weathered, leather, skin
I long to help, where to begin

Ignored by people passing by
All I want to do is cry
She carries all she owns in tow
Neighbors want to see her go

desolation in her eyes
disgust from others passing by
distrust in her grave helpless voice
Is living on the street her choice?

What can I do to help this girl?
All alone in this harsh world
I pray for God to heal her heart
And that is how it all should start

This homeless child of God, could be me
That's what everyone should see
In this big world when feeling blue
Remember this, it could be you!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

"Everyone knows in their bones that something is eternal and that something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people that ever lived have been telling us that for 5,000 years, and yet you'd be surprised how many people are losing hold of it. There's something way down deep that's eternal about every human being."
Our secular culture disparages that truth. We are told we only go around once, so we should grab for all the gusto we can. They say life is a game, and the one who dies with the most toys wins. The reason people are coming to church in droves is because something deep within them says this world is not all there is.