Wednesday, April 16, 2014



A crown of thorns..with bleeding stripes
The Lamb of God ..the sacrifice
Nailed to a agony
He knew this was His destiny..
He lived to high a cost
To save a world..dying ... lost..
To build a bridge...from God to man..
Each nail that pierced..part of His plan..
Each sin upon His shoulders laid
With each drop of blood ..the debt was paid

From sinless, spotless...holy..pure
To vile offender..hanging there..
Silently He bore our shame...
His shattered body..scarred and maimed..
From heaven to on that tree..
A death so set us free..
Left all alone to bear our sins..
No Father there to comfort Him..
As darkness spread across the sky..
It is finished was His cry..
His job was done..
He lived to die.

But the beginning.. not the end..
He died but lives ..risen again.
Death couldn't keep Him in the grave...
The war is over..the debt is paid.

He broke the chains and set us free..
That day He won the victory.
Now in heaven He reigns on High
But He'll be back..a second time..
He's coming then to take us home..
In a blaze of glory all His own..
And there we'll worship at His feet..
When on that day we finally meet..
Our Savior..our sacrifice..
Our All in All..

Holy ..Holy the Lamb..
Hallelujah to the Great I AM!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !