Wednesday, February 12, 2014



A stranger asked if he could help.
I said, "...not going far."
(I'd tie this big old cab'net down
on top of my old car).
Insist, he did, that he should help.
He saw that I was stuck.
Twelve miles he drove out of his way.
He hauled it in his truck.

He backed up to my little shack.
He helped me take it out
and then said "God will bless you too"
without an ounce of doubt.
I said, "Thank you" repeatedly.
I had no cash that day,
but he just waved with widest smile
as he drove off, away.

When someone new in Christ is met
joy's tears begin to flow,
for kindness is the only gift
that some will ever know.
Aside from grace, his kindness was
the best gift I was given
and pray again, another time
to thank him up in Heaven.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for my Mother ,
She is doing a lot better but she still has more to go .
Please Pray for Frankie Wilson and her step mother , Betty .
Please Pray for Sister in Christ Julie