Thursday, August 14, 2014

Spiritual dope

Spiritual dope

He can barely walk and he can hardly talk
and I always see this guy up and down my block
Dazed and confused, in his own little zone
Stumbling, bumbling, lost...and all alone
All the kids make fun of him and give him the bird
and he just tells them that he loves them and tries to give them the word
but nobody understands him, or they just don't want to hear it
Everybody thinks he's touched, but he's just touched by the spirit

He's got an eighth of faith
and an ounce of hope
and a kilo of love
He's on spiritual dope

Awww man, here she comes again
ending every sentence with a little "Amen"
Hitting every street, always going door to door
If you take a little taste then she'll try to give you more
She wants to get you hooked so you will never get away
She promises tomorrow and says forget yesterday
A one-hitter quitter, dope that'll truly make you feel
She says it's pure and uncut, and what she pushes is real

She's got an eighth of faith
and an ounce of hope
and a kilo of love
She's on spiritual dope

One day I took a chance and danced with these two dope-heads
and I asked them if they cared about what their drug spreads
The guy looked at the lady and she looked back at the guy
and they both looked me in the eye and asked "You wanna get high?"
He said "C'mon, just a little, I promise it won't hurt you."
"You'll never be alone," she said, "this will never desert you."
So I opened it up; 1 Corinthians 13
and now I'm the new pusher in the spiritual dope scene

I've got an eighth of faith
and an ounce of hope
and a kilo of love
I'm on spiritual dope
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !