Friday, July 11, 2014

Jesus Came To Me

Jesus Came To Me

When but a child, I learned that Jesus loves me.
I heard He came to die for you and me.
He shed His blood to pay my awful sin debt.
He gave His life so I could be set free.

He came to me when I was a lost sinner.
He came to save me from my sin and shame.
He is my Savior and my great Redeemer,
And I will never cease to praise His name.

Everyday I want to be His servant.
I seek His guidance every passing day.
He gives me peace, and I will ever serve Him.
His guiding light will lead me all the way.

When my race on earth is run and ended,
And my work on earth is finally o'er,
He'll take me home to live with Him in Glory.
He'll land me safely on the Golden Shore.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
I wrote this poem for a song to sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up". The second verse is the chorus.
I hope you enjoy !