Monday, December 2, 2013

Have you ever really wondered?

Have you ever really wondered?

Have you ever really wondered,
stopped your busyness and pondered
and taken the time to work out
what Christmas is really all about?

Why all the Christmas decorations,
the hard work and preparations?
Why do we give all the presents
if it is only a pretence?

Come, let us go on a Journey
and ask God to help us to see
that in Bethlehem far away
God came to earth on Christmas day.

Hear the angels sing from heaven
“Peace on earth and good will to men”
Join shepherds looking down in awe
as God in the manger they saw.

For this wondrous child born on earth
Who came to us through virgin birth
is Jesus Christ the Risen Lord
and Everlasting Son of God.

It was an incredible plan
to be born on earth as a man.
The Immortal, God Only Wise
became a babe to pay sins price.

Now we have found the real reason
why we celebrate this season.
Through this event in history
God showed His love for you and me.

For that Child in Bethlehem born
has heralded a brand new dawn.
God Himself had come to the earth
to redeem us all through new birth.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !