Thursday, August 22, 2013

I'll Leave It in His Hands

I'll Leave It IN HIS Hands

I'll Leave It In His Hands

I stood beside the graveside
Of a dear departed friend.
I found it hard to understand
The way she met her end.

Why did she choose suicide
As a way to end it all,
When she had a loving Savior
Upon whom she could call?

Who am I to be her judge?
I know she was in pain.
Cancer had taken its toll,
And her health began to wane.

She robbed me of a chance
To see her and say,"Goodbye."
"I know she hated goodbyes,"
I said as I continued to cry.

Jesus knows all about it.
Our grief, He understands.
I'll look to Him for comfort
And leave it in His hands. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless!
Goodbye  Donna my Firend