Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus

Thank you Jesus
Precious Jesus
You are Holy
Yet you died for me

Something stirs within me when I call you.

Just to realize,
You pierced your sides for me
Drove nails through your hands and feet;
Your arms opened wide for me
You died for me
Rose for me
Continue to rise in me

You love me
You took on my sins
In you, Christ Jesus, I am born again

You died that I may live
Your hands hold my heart
Your word gives me life

Your love sees beyond my mess
I have to say thank you
I couldn't say it enough
How many ways can I express my gratitude
That's why I'm writing this poem for you

My savior
My redeemer
Prince of peace
Thank you

Love always,
Your Servant ,
Your Son,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !