Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Romans 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
v18. There is no fear of God before their eyes. (KJV)

He led them to their promised land
where Father and children could joyfully live.
But how many times must a Father reprimand?
How many times must He forgive?

They were a stiff-necked, wayward people
stumbling around in their selfish haze,
a foolish idol-worshipping people
never learning from the error of their ways.

They were preoccupied with their own desires.
Their concern was the pursuit of selfish pleasure,
never thinking how they would spend eternity,
no thought given to winning heavenly treasure.

It was true of the people who came before,
and is still true for some of us today.
Rather than lift grateful eyes toward Heaven,
some are choosing to look the other way.

The people of this world should be praising God
who gave us this land of milk and honey.
But we cannot have Him in our schools,
and there’s talk of removing Him from our money.

We often refuse to follow the Savior’s example,
though He taught us how we should live.
But how many times must a Father reprimand?
How many times must He forgive?

We are preoccupied with here and now pleasure.
We seek to indulge every personal whim.
But what will happen if He turns His back on us,
just as many have turned our backs on Him?

There are those who see signs of the times.
There are those in many congregations
who still pray for favor in His sight,
still pray He will preserve our nations.

We must not fall victim to damnation’s fate.
All people must wake up, before it’s too late.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !