Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We Thank God for Summer

We Thank God for Summer

Summer wind whispers on hills as it does on valleys,
And both feels the warmth as it leans gently on solid grounds,
Near below or far above nature feels its tenderness,
From its restless distance travels sweet sumemr aroma abounds!
In ageless seasons it circles our time,
From our first breath until we reach our prime,
Land may dry up when its kisses thrive,
Yet in many times in between, it intensifies our smile!
For those of us who have curled up in winter,
Will sure to miss its magic spell,
Nevertheless at least we find,
A cool waiting room for its arriv'l!
For all the seasons which had gone,
And for all those that will sure come,
We thank God for the gift of summer bliss,
And the hope of cuddling again its profound warm embrace!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless