Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Do you live in the moment ?

They say you never miss a thing until after it’s gone,
When things are going great in life you just go on and on.
You take each day for granted as if you have thousands more,
You really don’t appreciate what each new day is for.
When things are going great in life you just go on and on.
You take each day for granted as if you have thousands more,
You really don’t appreciate what each new day is for.
Your family and your closest friends all feel the way you do,
They think that they will live forever just the same as you.
Well maybe not forever but for many years to come,
And there is always time enough to visit everyone.
And anyway you’re busy and they’re always busy too,
Your hours are all scheduled with so much you have to do.
But someday you will make the time to stop and retouch base,
As soon as everybody can reduce their hectic pace.
So life goes on and everybody runs and stays behind,
Because they have so much to do they almost lose their mind.
When we have time we’ll get together everybody raves,
But as for now you won’t believe how busy are my days.
But then one day it happens and your world comes to a halt,
And many times is unexpected or is not your fault.
An accident that’s fatal or a doctor’s sudden call,
Can make you feel as if your life has crashed into a wall.
A family member or a friend is in intensive care,
And nothing now is more important but that you are there.
A routine checkup at your doctor because you are sore,
But then the news, the test revealed, the problem is much more.
Why does it take catastrophe or facing life or death?
Or watching friends or loved ones as they take their final breath?
To interrupt the schedule of our busy hectic lives,
Why does it take an accident or when somebody dies?
Each day is very special and too soon the day is past,
For you or someone near to you it may just be the last.
Don’t ever take for granted that you have that many more,
And all the ones you love also have many more in store.
Today is all you really have if you still have your health,
And only those you love and care for are considered wealth.
Earthly goals and scheduling may seem like precedence,
But knowing you may only have today makes much more sense.
You may have tomorrow to enjoy and celebrate,
But maybe for someone you love it just may be too late.
So never think there’s years ahead to do just what you may,
You or someone close to you may interrupt the day.
Take no thought of tomorrow I recall the words I read,
You have enough to deal with on this day is what HE said.
Tomorrow is not promised to a single soul on earth,
So live and love here in the moment for all it is worth.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !