Monday, April 15, 2013

My Time

My Time

Today will be a new day
In the name of God, that's what I say
I will not let people bring me down
I have to keep trying.

Never give up,
I will prevail,
God will protect me from all my fears, all my problems,
I decide what makes me happy.

Joy is my key,
Love is unleashed from within me,
Tears of pain and hurt are no more,
My life, my worries, I give to God,
He is the only one,
Who can give me absolute comfort and peace.

I have great friends and family
Positive, optimistic is my middle name,
Taking risks is my game,
Confusion and loss will be wiped away.

This is my year to rejuvenate myself,
To form and mold myself into someone I thought
I'd never be,
Brave, risky, care free, stress less, loving, and sociable.

People will like and accept me for the person I'm truly meant to be,
God will make a way for me,
I will excel in all my life,
I will learn to love more, laugh more, live more,
This is my day to shine, and I will not waste it.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless!
Good Sermon

The average person's idea of a good sermon
is one that goes over his head
and hits a neighbor.