Friday, February 15, 2013

When I Linger in His Presence

When I Linger in His Presence

Sometimes when shadows linger
And darkness veils the night
When pain obscures my vision
And things aren't going right.

When the world around me crumbles
And a friend cannot be found
When tomorrow holds no promise
And life has got me down.

When I am at my lowest
And I can bear no more
I cry to Him in anguish
He greets me at the door.

He gently whispers to me
My soul has found release
My troubles start to perish
My worries seem to cease.

The hardships I have known
Seem to vanish with the wind
When I seek His loving Spirit
And I humbly let Him in.

All the turmoil that surrounds me
Seems to fade like shifting sand
When I linger in His presence
And He gently takes my hand.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Billy Phillips' Father and my son David Bagwell 
We haven't seen Brad at our dances for quite some time. Brad is a very nice Christian man, who can sing so beautifully and knows how to dance!
At this time He is quite ill and struggles to take his breath.
He would so love to hear from our singles. with his permission I am publishing his address so you all can send him some cards.

Brad Rogers 113 Elrod Rd. Piedmont, SC 29673

or call Brad at 864-608-2966 . today is Valentine's Day, so lets show some love.