Thursday, January 10, 2013

He was heard !

He Was Heard

Darkness filled the room.

The lights were out yet the room glowed. We held hands in a
circle. All of us were on our knees except for Christian.

One-year-old Christian stood with his back arched. He stood
still in expectancy and that in itself was a small miracle.
It was the first time since Christian's birth one year and
four days ago that the entire family had prayed together.

There was a power in the room, a power beyond normal, an air
of protection and peace. I prayed, then my wife, then EL the
six-year-old prayed. The only prayer that remained was that of
Josees, the three-year-old.

Josees is named after Joses, the brother of Jesus. Mark 6:3

Josees does not have the most eloquent speech. It is often
broken and you must listen carefully to understand him.
His hair has never been cut and it flows down his tiny body.

As the final member of the family with the ability to speak,
Josees began. Christian was still. Josees prayed for his
family by name and then he made his final plea in prayer.

He said, "...and I pray for everyone in the whole wide world.

Something went through me as he spoke that last sentence.
He was just a child.
He can't read.
He can't add, subtract or multiply.
He can't count beyond ten.
He is by normal standards illiterate and uneducated but this
little illiterate and uneducated soul shook me with a prayer
that not even the most articulate minister could have matched.

"...and I pray for everyone in the whole wide world."

I am a scientist, a chemist by educational training.
My mind is naturally logical and still goes through the logical
processes. I began to ask within myself:

1. Did God hear Josees?
2. Did God honor his prayer?
3. If He did, then it meant that everyone in the whole wide
world had just been prayed for with what I knew was a sincere
heart and spirit.

No guile, no show, no expectation of return, no honor sought,
no collection taken, none of the things that even spiritual men
often have in their minds as they publicly pray.

In the whole wide world?

That's a BIG prayer request.
Was it too big?
Could God handle that?  ...the whole wide world?
Of course.

That means that YOU were prayed for with a sincere prayer.
If you are in the whole wide world, YOU are included. No matter
what you have done, no matter how dark your world is, no matter
how dismal your situation looks, no matter what you think of
yourself, YOU were prayed for by a sincere spirit.

I walked out of the room vibrating.

Wherever you are in the whole wide world, I believe you felt it
too. Maybe just a breeze, a feeling, a slight sliver of light
and hope peeping through, an unction, a notion, that someone
somewhere cared. Someone with a pure spirit cared about you.

Each time you look at a dot com address and you see the "www"
think about Josees and his prayer for you. I know "www" isn't
supposed to mean "whole wide world" but so what. It means what
you think it means and maybe you don't need to be caught up
in a web or a net.

If you are caught in a web or net, just know that a little
three-year-old prayed for you.

Did God hear Josees?


And I think you felt it.
Written By Tony Rice , Atlanta, GA 

This is letter was written to me by a dear friend and he gave me permission to put on my blog , As I read this email the spirit of touch me , I felt part of Josees prayer , Praise God ! Praise God ! Amen and Amen , Father God you are greater than all Earth !