Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teach America To Pray

Teach America To Pray
Lord ,we would bow in need of Thee
Throughout this land from sea to sea ,
From where Atlantic’s breakers roar
To blue Pacific’s golden shore ,
Oh , may we all in longing say ,
Lord ,teach America to pray !

May we our sins to Thee confess ,
Pleading in faith Thy righteousness ,
May we again come to Thy throne ,
Returning that which is Thine own .
Our broken hearts before Thee lay .
Lord , teach America to pray !

May our good land be true and just ,
Her motto e’er “In God We Trust .”
May she be guided by Thy Word .
Thy wisdom in her walls be heard .
May all who love her plead today ,
Lord , teach America to pray !

And as her flag unfurls on high
Its starry splendor to the sky ,
May we , in grateful thanks to Thee
Who gave to us this land so free ,
Preserve her freedom in Thy way
Lord , teach America to pray!

To pray that cruel wars may cease ,
That to the world may come Thy peace ,
That ever , always , at Thy feet ,
We may attain communion sweet ,
In loving trust to Thee we say ,
Lord , teach America to pray
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in Pray for J.D Holiday and family