Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lives Distressed Cannot Be Blessed

Lives Distressed Cannot Be Blessed
Refuse to be discouraged ,
Refuse to be distressed ,
For when we are  despondent
Our lives cannot be blessed ,
For doubt and fear and worry
Close the door to faith and prayer ,
And there’s no room for blessings
When we’re lost in deep despair ,
So remember when we’re troubled
With uncertainty and doubt
It is best to tell our Father
What our fear is all about .
For unless we seek His guidance
When  troubled times arise ,
We are bound  to make decisions
That are twisted and  unwise ,
But when we view our problems
Through the eyes of God above ,
Misfortunes turn to blessings
And hatred turn to love .
Jan bagwell    
God Bless !
Please pray for Brother Mike wells , Mother ,family