Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Silver My Mother Gave Me

The Silver My Mother Gave Me I chose a a certain pattern , Something old but ever new , Because somehow it just reminds me Of the love I have for you . You always cared for lovely things , But yours were only few , Because you always passed them on To some one dear to you. It was not wordly goods you owned, Because that soon departs , But you had that kind and noble look That shone right from your heart , That made you do ,”The same As you’d have done to you ,” “Give the cup of water in His name “ As oft’ I’ve seen you do . The silver like my love for you Grows lovelier through the years , I find this to be oh , so true , When I kneel to say my prayers , To thank Thee ,Father, and no other , For giving me such a wonderful mother . Jan Bagwell God Bless ! I am truly blessed , God has gave me the best family , [ Mother , Dad , Sister and brother . I have 2 children , both are boys { David and Scott and they have brought me joy and pride in them all their lives . David is marry to Hali and Scott is marry to Elizabeth and they gave birth to most beautiful Grand Daughter, Emily . Their wives are just like my daughters . When we have family reunion , my extended family , My brother children and sisters children they just best . My mothers has 4 sisters and 5 brothers , my dad had 4 brothers 4 sisters . When we have a family reunion we have a big ones . I say all this to say, they all are born again !!