Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Christ Of Calvary And the Empty Tomb

The Christ Of Calvary And the Empty Tomb

They led a Man to the judgment hall
alone . His friends fled away .
He faced the taunts of the howling mob
As He suffered in silence that day .
Then bearing His cross He climbed a hill
To die there for you and for me .
But none of the hands of that rabble mob
Helped Him bear His Calvary .

Then down from the cross His body they took
And in sorrow they bore it away ,
To place it within a rich man’s grave ,
And their hearts were too anguish to pray .
In the hour of His need they failed the Lord ,
How bitter their torment must be .
But now their hands reached up to lift
Him down from His Calvary.

But the grief of their sorrow changed to joy
With the word that an angel brought ,
“Seek not in the grave for One who lives ,
For salvation’s work has been wrought.”
The lives of His friends were changed that day ,
From fear they now were free ,
And the rest of their lives they gladly gave
In sharing His Calvary .

I , too , to the cross of my Lord would come
And confess all my falling and fears ,
And ask for grace to follow Him on
Where He leads me , down through the years .
I’ll lift up the hands of my heart to Him
And share in His hands of love
Will share all His glory with me .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!