Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Flowers Leave Their Fragrance on the Hand That Bestows Them

Flowers Leave Their Fragrance on the Hand That Bestows Them

This old Chinese proverb ,
if practiced each day ,
Would change the whole world
In a wonderful way-
Its truth is so simple ,
It’s so easy to do ,
And it works every time
And sucessfully ,too
For you can’t do a kindness
Without a reward ,
Not in silver nor gold
But in joy from the Lord-
You can’t light a candle
To show others the way
With out feeling the warmth
Of that bright little ray –
And you can’t pluck a rose ,
All fragrant with dew ,
Without part of its fragrance
Remaining with you .
And whose hands bestow
More fragrant bouquets
Than Mother who daily
speaks kind words of praise ,
A mother whose courage
And comfort and cheer
Lights bright little candles
In hearts through the year-
No wonder the hands
Of an unselfish mother
Are symbols of sweetness
Unlike any other .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless