Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Priceless Treasures

Priceless Treasures
What could I give you that would truly please
In topsy-turvy times like these ?
I can’t give you freedom from vexations
Or even lessen your irritations
I can’t take away or even make less
The things that annoy , disturb , and distress
For stores don’t sell a single thing
To make the heart that’s troubled sing
They sell the new look suave and bland
But nothing that lends a helping hand ,
They sell rare gifts that are ultrasmart
But nothing to warm or comfort the heart
The joys of life that cheer and bless ,
The stores don’t sell , I must confess
But friends and prayers are priceless treasures
Beyond all monetary measures …
And so I say a special prayer
that God will keep you in his care …
and if I can ever help you , dear ,
in any way throughout the year ,
you’ve only to call , for as long as I live
such as I have , I freely give !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Today I had a friend to offer to help me and that would have cost him alot of time at work and money , I will have another knee replacement in Febuary , and I have things under control. But thank you Jesus and thank you JD . It the offer that meant so much to me. I be alright, but it is such a blessing to know that there are Brothers in Christ who would go the extra mile .