Tuesday, January 10, 2012

He Cares a Lot

He Cares a Lot
At times I am , oh so distressed
Yet still I worry not
For I believe that Jesus cares
And that He cares a lot .

He feeds the sparrows of the air ,
Clothes flowers of the field
And He will all my needs supply
If self to Him I yield .

So I must closer draw to Him ,
My faith must stronger grow
For I know that He cares a lot
And that He loves me so.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you [ 1Pet. 5.7
I thank God every day for each and everyone of you . I know that the brothers and sisters in Christ are praying over these Messages , poems , that I right on this blog.
I am smart enough to know , that without God’s help and your prays this would not be
having the affected on people it has . I get letters from people that have been saved , been heal , had their homes put back together.
Praise God !
Thank you Jesus !
Brothers and sisters I Ihank you and all the people you touch , May Father God Bless you . And may you feel his arms wrap around you today !