Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Best Friend

You are the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings,
At the mention of Your name, my heart it sings.
The beginning and the end, everything in between,
When I need guidance, it is always on You that I lean.
You’ve lifted me from the miry clay, the Rock on which I stand,
Whenever I fall, You pick me up, and lead me by the hand.
Heavenly Father You are Faithful, and You are always Just,
In You I believe, and I know, in You I can always put my trust.
I put my faith in my Best friend, my wonderful Creator,
My Saviour, Redeemer, in the Universe there is none greater.
I don’t worry about tomorrow, for the best is yet to be,
Because I know that You my God, forever dwells in me.
So God, I put all my trust in You, the Magnificent One,
Who for the sins of man, gave His one and only Son.
That through the death of Jesus, I could be,
Living in Heaven with You, for Eternity!!!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !