Thursday, August 2, 2012

Faith , Hope , and Love part 2

Faith, Hope, and Love

He went around preaching to the nations
He had no doubt the Father was with Him
He did miracles to God’s creation
Delivered them of demons, delivered them of sin
Yeah there were difficult times for our Lord
Times where the Devil tried to win His soul
Our Lord faced temptations, everyday more
As He prayed, every day He was feeling more cold
Well, He knew what was about to come down
He knew there was no turning back now
He heard Demons’ and Angels’ sounds
He was tempted into getting Himself out
But the Father showed Him truthful love
Jesus couldn’t set Himself aside from love
He did all He could to receive His gift
Because of that now He sits with Him

He had faith…

The people from his birth town didn’t believe in Him
They said He was the carpenter’s son
They could never receive the slightest hint
That He was really the Son of God
But He knew that day would finally come
Where His family would be saved in the hands of God
He didn’t worry of their wrongs
He entered in the fire, all for love
He had great thoughts about the future
He knew He would be sitting at the right throne of God
It motivated Him to create better futures
So He won more souls for His Father God
He exercised faith in different places
People renounced Him and tore His heart
But He continued healing and changing faces
He didn’t stop from the minute He came to start

He had hope…

All of the Pharisees neglected Him
They just didn’t ever want to change
They thought that Jesus was covered in sin
But Jesus worked hard to change this age
He loves the souls that are looking hurt
It tore His heart when sick people cried
So much that on the Sabbath Days He worked
So people could receive the healing they wanted to find
He loved the Father, there’s no doubt
But He loved the people, no doubt too
His anger for the sin always made Him shout
And correct them, well, correction is love too
People thought that He was only there to judge
But He continued being there to love
He wouldn’t bother, wouldn’t budge
He had compassion for the sons and daughters of God

He had love…
Jan Bagwell
God Bless      

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.

Be the living expression of God’s kindness : kindness in your face ,

Kindness in your  eyes , kindness in your smile .”