Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Crushed Rose

A Crushed Rose

O, beautiful rose , please tell me ,
For I would like know
Why I must crush your petals
That the sweet perfume may flow .
O life that is clothed in beauty
Perhaps like that wonderful rose
You will need to be crushed by suffering
If the radiance of your life must glow
A life that is crushed by sorrow
Can feel for another’s grief ,
And send out that fragrance of love
That will bring some heart relief .
O , do not repine at your testing
When called to pass under the rod;
For your life the sweeter will be
If bless by the hand of God
Then let us rejoice  when He sendeth
Some sorrow or hardship that tries ,
And be glad to be crushed as the rose leaf
That a sweeter perfume may arise ,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!