Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Message From Mother

    A Message From Mother
 I have crossed the bourne of shadows ,
    I have entered into rest
I am happy with my loved ones
    In that land where all are blest .

I have anchored in the harbor ,
   Where the storms of life are o’er
Where the gleams of endless sunshine
    Break upon the heav’nly shore .

I have seen the golden city ,
   With the jasper walls so bright ;
Here we have eternal morning ,
   And  we never say ,”Good  Night.”

I have heard the sweetest music
   From the angel choirs of love ;
O how blest to be with Jesus
   In my father’s house above !

Yes , I  left you ; it was sudden ,
     But it was the best for all .
It was God’s will – I am happy –
    I but listened to His call
Dearest husband  , God will bless you
   As you journey down the way ;
I shall wait and watch to meet you
    In this land of perfect day .

Loving children , you will miss me
   But I love you more and more ,
And we’ll meet where there’s no parting ,
   On this ever-golden shore .

Dry your tears , and ease your heartache,
    Mother will be your angel guide ;
Be but faithful to your Savior
    And with Him you will abide .

Love God’s church-there’s nothing like it ,
   Purchased with His precious life ;
It will help you , it will bless you ,
   It will keep you in the strife .

It was Mother’s last great promise
   To attend the throne of grace ;
Will you carry out my life work
   And be there in Mother’s  place ?

Meet me meet me in the morning ,
   Here beside the crystal sea ;
I shall linger near the border 
   Till my loved ones are with me .  
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless !!
 Please be in Prayer for Brother Billy Phillips , he lost his mother.