Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thank You , God , for Everything

Thank You , God , for Everything

Thank You God , for everything ,
the big things and small ,
For every good gift comes from God ,
the giver of them all .
And all too often we accept
without any thanks or praise
The gifts God sends as blessing
each day in many way .
The things we take for granted
but don’t mention when we pray ,
Then , thank You for the miracles
we are much too blind to see ,
And give us new awareness
of our many gifts from Thee ,
And help us to remember
that the key to life and living
Is to make each prayer a prayer of thanks
and every day thanksgiving
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Into all our lives ,in many simple , familiar , homely ways ,
God infuses this element of joy from the surprises of life ,
which unexpectedly brighten our days , and fill our eyes
with light .