Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Godly Man

A Godly man
One righteous man
What is he worth ?
Far above all the
diamonds on Earth .
Blessed is the man
Whose God is the Lord
Who lives by His power
and feeds on His Word .
For this man shall prosper
His soul cannot die
His treasures ,the riches
of earth cannot buy .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Remember me in prayer , I am deeply troubled , how a Deacon could attacked his pastor and the church would allow him to still be a Deacon . I am trusting God for this to past . It must break our God heart when we do things like that . I know it breaks mind . My brothers and sisters in Christ the pastor is not me . But when you , my brothers and sisters in Christ are attacked, it hurts me to. If Heaven is not my home , my Lord what would I do , for there times that I don’t feel at home in this world anymore . Please pray for brother Mike Wells , sister Mary Carpenter and Rev. David and Hali Bagwell .