Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Prayer for my Friends
Dear Lord if I could only be
Worthy of one wish from Thee ,
I would not ask for wealth or fame –
For I have more in Jesus’ Name;
I would not ask for homes and lands –
My treasuries lie in Jesus’ hands;
I would not ask for health or food –
For Thou dost give me all that’s good ;
But I would that I could see ,
Just how the greatest friend to be
To see Thou’st given me to love ,
Both here and in our Homes above –
That , Lord , the love Thou hast given me
Might fill their life and soul , that they
Will never question , never fear ,
My love for them is just veneer –
But man each time I clasp their hand ,
Feel friendship true , and understand
That of Thy many gifts I see ,
They are the precious ones to me .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Ms Frankie Wilson will be having an operation ,this Thursday , Please pray for her . Barabara Pittman was in the hospital sunday night because she was having chest , please be in prayer for her . Rick ask to be pray for .