Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Check Your Email

Check Your Email
Corporations go through a great deal to get a good name for a
product. Businesses know the difference a good name makes.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam's job was naming things.
It was the first Biblical occupation of man - Naming Things.

It could well be called, "The world's oldest profession."
It is still a job we all have.

We don't choose our birth names, our parents do.
We do choose our email names. Your email name can go around the
world faster than the speed of thought.

Your email name often reflects what we think of ourselves.

Some of you reading this may need to change your name.

I see many email addresses on Jan Bagwell Ministries. I pray over the
prayer requests that are submitted. As I read some of the email
names, I often say, "this person is calling negative things upon
themselves because they are calling themselves something
negative and sending it all over the world."

We can't blame anyone else for our email names; we chose them.

Did you ever wonder why successful entertainers often change
their names? You don't know most of the movie star's birth
names, you only know their changed names.

They chose a new name because they wanted something different
out of life.

Look at your email name.

What does it say about you?

What are you calling yourself?
What are you calling upon yourself?
Is it something or someone who you want to be?
Is it somewhere you want to go?

Maybe your email name is neutral, but maybe it is not.

Here are some examples of email names that don't reflect good
things or destinations for the owner: booboo@, hardtimes@,
maddog@, devilwoman@, got_no_money@, sickpuppy@, brokenhearted@,
badmama@, uglyduckling@, lonelyheart@, missingher@ and nightmare@.

There are thousands just on our subscriber list that literally
call out bad things. Each time that you hit "SEND," maybe you
are sending to more than just the recipient.

Do you ever think, "Maybe I am sending out into the world
vibration and spirit saying, 'this is whom I call myself,'
respond to me accordingly."

Look at your email name, the name YOU have chosen.

Remember an email name is an address.
It reflects your habitation and destination.

Where do you live?

Bill Gates of Microsoft is one of the richest men in America.
His first name is Bill, as in dollar Bill. His last name is
Gates, as in the structure that keeps things in or out.
All large piles of Bills are guarded by some kind of Gates.

That's true on more than one level.

Bill's given name is William. Will "I Am."
My "will," will ultimately determine what "I am."

Moses said unto God, "whom shall I say has sent me?"
God replied, "Tell them 'I AM' has sent me to you."

Often when God changed the nature, role and destiny of men,
he changed what they were called. He changed the "I Am..."

Look at your email name, the name you have chosen,
your cyberspace habitation and destination.

As one of Microsoft's slogans says,

"Where do you want to go today?"

Bill Gates knows, and I'll bet his email address reflects it.

Naming Things - Check your email.

Thank you for inviting Jan Bagwell Ministries in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow .I am sorry if I have offend anybody , I just felt led to write this .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless and as always Praise the Lord !