Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'd Rather Walk by Faith

I’d Rather Walk by Faith

Sometimes a lonely road I tread ,
Sometimes the path is rough ;
But I’d rather walk along by faith ,
To me this is enough .

I’d rather walk along by faith
Though others walk by sight;
My Father knows where Imust go ,
He‘ll guide my steps alright .

I’d rather walk along by faith
No dangers lurk ahead ,
And those who travel in His steps
Have naught of harm to dread .

Though others go their way by sight ,
And trust in lands and gold ,
I’d rather walk along by faith
And have His wealth untold .

I’d rather walk along b7y faith
And never halt or quail ,
For He who guides me on the way
I know will never fail .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
“For we walk by faith , and not by sight .”
11 Cor. 5:7