Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Hard Soft Side

The Hard Soft Side

I sat in the window seat on the plane as I watched the baggage
unloader place bags on the conveyor belt feeding into the
belly of the plane.

I watched him plop bag after bag onto the moving conveyor
belt. Most of the bags were similar only differing in size.
Most had wheels under the bottom located on the backside of
the bag. On the front were zippered pockets.

Plop plop plop went the bags. I then noticed that all of the
bags were being flipped into the face down position. He always
turned the bags so the wheels were on top and the zippered
pockets in the front of the bag were against the conveyor

"The delicate stuff would be in the zippered pockets," I
thought. "If there was any delicate stuff in the pockets there
is a good chance it's busted," I also thought.

Perhaps he turned the bag facedown to keep the wheels from
being against the belt and it rolling down the conveyor.
Perhaps. I'm not a baggage handling expert.

What stood out was the very place that I would have placed a
delicate item was the very place it was most likely to be

The moral of this issue:
As you travel through life, don't depend on others to be
gentle with your delicate stuff that's on the inside.
Safeguard it.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of
life. Proverbs 4:23 NIV