Thursday, March 24, 2011

We are doing well

We Are Doing Well
I am writing in response to the joke issue called “Success.”
I once heard a preacher from Malawi. His sermon had a very
simple message, but one that struck a chord in my life. I would
like to share this with you.

He said that when he was in Europe or in the United States, he
noticed that people said “I’m great” (meaning I am doing well,
things are great for me), therefore everything around me is

He said that in Africa, this is not what people say. In Africa,
they say, “We are all doing well, therefore I am great.”

I am not gifted with words in the same way he was, but I agree
that it is only when we work together as a community that we are
able to be the people that we are truly meant to be. That is
when we are really great; because the light of Christ is alive
and glowing in us.

This is the kind of success that I want.

How about you?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Thank God for the healing of me and my mother . And thanks to my brothers and sisters in Christ who send up many prayer for us . I am a very rich man to have so many friends that pray for me . God Bless all of you !