Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Then ?

What Then ?
When the choir has sung its last anthem ,
And the preacher has made his last prayer ,
When the people have heard their last sermon
And the sound has died out on the air ;
When the Bible lied closed on the altar ,
And the pews are all empty of men ,
And each one stands facing his record –
And the great Book is opened –what then?

When the actors have played their drama ,
And the mimic has made his last pun ;
When the film has flashed its last picture ,
And the scoreboard displayed itst run ,
When the crowds seeking pleasure have vanished
And gone out in the darkness again –
When the Trumpet of the Ages has sounded ,
And we stand up before Him –what then ?

When the bugle’s call sinks into silence ,
And the long-marching columns stand still ;
When the captain has given his last orders ,
And they’ve captured the last fort and hill ,
And the flag has been hauled in from the masthead ,
And the wounded a field have checked in ,
And a world that rejected its Savior ,
Is asked for a reason – what then ?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !