Monday, January 24, 2011

The Fauly Valve

The Faulty Valve

We recently called a repair company out to fix the icemaker on
our refrigerator.

He came and studied the problem and discovered that a valve was
faulty. He replaced the valve and after a short while ice was
produced. The valve was a small part on the whole refrigerator,
but this small part blocked months of ice from coming forth.

It is this same way with life.

One tiny thing in your relationship can stop cubes of joy from
being experienced.

Perhaps, it is just the unappreciation of the other person.
Many times we don't know what we have until we lose it.

One near-microscopic item in your diet such as crystals of salt
can make the difference in the blood throughout your whole body
flowing properly.

One mindset change from "I sure can't stand this job" to "I am
blessed to have a job after thousands were laid off this month"
can make eight hours a day change from drudgery to ease.

Two dollars given to a homeless person with the words
"have a special day because you are someone special," without
them asking, could change their life forever with the feeling
that somebody cares.

One small step of trying an idea that you believe could work may
make the difference in you becoming an employer instead of an

What one thing do you need to change in your life to allow the
waters of life to flow?

Go do this. Unstop the valve.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please remember Mary Carpenter sister Betty will be going to the hospital tomorrow . Mary we will be in prayer for your sister .