Friday, February 19, 2010

Too Little

Too Little
Said a precious little laddie
To his father one bright day,
“May I give myself to Jesus ,
Let Him wash my sins away ?”

“Oh , my son , but you’re too little ,
Wait until you older grow ;
Bigger fold , ‘tis true , do need Him ,
But little folk are safe , you know .”

Said the father to his laddie ,
As a storm was coming on ,
“Are the sheep all safely sheltered ,
Safe within the fold , my son ?”

“All the big ones are , my father,
But the lambs , I let them go ,
For I didn’t think it mattered ;
Little ones are safe , you know .”

Oh , my brother ! oh, my sister !
Have you , too , made that mistake ?
Little hearts that now are yielding
May be hardened , then –too late .

Ere the evil days come nigh them ,
“Let the children come to me
And forbid them not ,”said Jesus ,
“ Of such shall my Kingdom be .”
Jan Bagwell
Be safe and be blessed .