Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do no Harm

Do No Harm

First, do no harm!

What is implicit in this simple precept of medicine?

An awesome power - the power to do harm.

Who gives you this power?

The patient.

A patient will come to you at his moment of greatest dread,
hand you a knife, and say, "Doctor cut me open."


Because he trusts you.

He trusts you the way a child trusts.
He trusts you - to do no harm.

Sad fact is, human beings are not worthy of trust.

It is human nature to lie, take short cuts, lose your nerve,
to get tired, make mistakes.

No rational patient would put his trust in a human being,
and we're not going to let him.

It is our mission here to rigorously and ruthlessly train the
humanity out of you and make you into something better.

We're gonna make doctors out of you.


The above was taken from a lecture to medical students in the
movie "PATCH ADAMS."

It was a Life changing Moment when I heard it.

We are all doctors because at one point or another, we all will
have patients (and we need patience with patients).

Sooner or later, someone comes, and they trust us.

They are hurt and hurting.

By opening their hurt and pain to us, they give us power.

Our words and actions can heal or do harm.

When this moment comes again, remember Patch Adams.
Patch Adams is actually a real man with a real mission.
His mission was to help and to heal, and to do no harm.

In the things that we do, we have the power to heal or do harm.

Parents - your children are your patients.
Teachers - your students are your patients.
Businessmen and women - your customers are your patients.
To those dating and married - the other person is your patient.
Friends - your friend is your patient.
Children (and we all are) - your parents are your patients.
Our neighbor is our patient.

It is our mission here to help make you into something better.

Our mission is to help make you into good doctors.
Good doctors - who heal.

Remember Doctors,

Do No Harm.

Jan bagwell
God Bless