Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I love the Autumn Best

I love the Autumn Best

I love the glowing days of spring
When life is born anew ,
When showers bless the April world
And flowers are blooming , too .
In Summer , fields of golden grain
Are blowing in the breeze ,
And life is such a tranquil joy
With birdsong in the trees .

I love so much of God’s bright world
When snowflakes gently fall ,
So soft and white upon the hills –
A cover over all .

So much that ever thrills my heart
Each season of the year ,
And yet the Autumn colors bright
Are always much more dear .

I love it all – the golden leaves ,
Each sunset glowing red ,
The colors thick and heavy there
Atop the flower bed .
As Nature walks October trails
More precious than the rest ,
Of all the seasons of our year year ,
I love the Autumn best.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!