Friday, July 30, 2010

If WE Only Understood

If we only understood
Could we but draw back the curtains
That surround each other’s lives ,
See the naked heart and spirit ,
Know what spur the action gives ;

Often we should find it better ,
Purer than we judge we should ;
We should love each other better .
If we only understood .

Could we judge all deeds by motives ,
See the good and bad within ,
Often we should love the sinner
All the while we loathe the sin ;

Could we know the powers working
To overthrow integrity ,
We should love each other’s errors
With more patient charity .

If we knew the cares and trails ,
Knew the efforts all in vain ,
And the bitter disappointment ,
Understood the loss and gain –

Would the grim eternal roughness
Seen – I wonder –just the same ?
Should we help where now we hinder ,
Should we pity we were now blame .

Ah ! we judge each other harshly ,
Knowing not lif’s hidden force ;
Knowing not the fount of action
Is less turbid at its source-

Seeing not amid the evil
All the golden grain of good;
And we would love each other better
If we only understood .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless and a Blessed weekend