Wednesday, June 23, 2010

God's Jewels

God’s Jewels

We watch the rich and famous
Bedecked in precious jewels ,
Enjoying earthly pleasure ,
Defying moral rules .
And in our mood rules .
And in our mood of discontent
We sink into despair
And long for earthly riches
And feel cheated of our share .
But stop these idle musings ,
God has stored up for you
Treasures that are far beyond
Earth’s jewels and riches ,too,
For never , never discount
What God has promised man
If he will walk in meekness
And accept God’ flawless plain ,
For if we heed His teachings
As we journey through the years ,
We’ll find the richest jewels of all
Are crystallized from tears.
Jan Bagwell

Blessed are the meek ,for they shall inherit the earth .
Matthew 5:5