Friday, June 18, 2010


In a for land and on an ancient day
The great throngs followed him : the One who came
And said , “I am the way ,“
And kindled in their hearts a leaping flame .
The tramping multitudes , the pressing throng ,
That sought him for their own swift sure release
From shackling ills ,or for some torturing wrong ,
Sought avidly to find their soul’s release .

Lord , Lord ,today the throngs still reach to touch
Thy garment’s hem across the lengthening years .
We have been hurt and troubled overmuch ,
Look down and heal our ills , and calm our fears .
Behold the multitude that seek thee , Lord ,
In church and field and lane of every land –
Speak peace once more , assure us through thy Word ,
And bless us with thy out-stretched healing hand .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!