Thursday, April 22, 2010

The voice of God is Calling

The Voice of God is calling

The voice of God is calling
Its summons unto men ;
As once He spake in Zion,
So now He speaks again ,
Whom shall I send to succor
My people in their need ?
Whom shall I send to shatter
The fetters which they bear ?

We heed , O Lord , Thy summons ,
And answer : Here are we !
Let us Thy servants be .
Our strength is dust and ashes
Our years a passing hour :
But Thou canst use our weakness
To magnify Thy power.

From ease and plenty save us ;
From pride of place absolve ;
Purge us of low desire ;
Lift us to high resolve ;
Take us ,and make us holy ;
Teach us Thy will and way .
Speak ,and behold !we answer ;
Command , and we obey !
Jan Bagwell