Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There could’nt be a better time
To pause and reminisce ,
Not about the big things ,
But little things I miss .

The cardinal who built her nest
Just outside my windowpane ,
The smell of fresh-turned garden earth
And the feel of warm Spring rain…

A field of bright yellow buttercups
Grace fully nodding in the breeze ,
The whistles which were made for me
From the bark of a willow tree …

The scent of flowering honeysuckle
Mingled with fresh-baked bread ,
The sounds of a sudden thunderstorm
And the warmth of a featherbed….

Though big things may escape me ,
It’s the little things I miss ,
Which bring back joyful memories
When I pause to reminisce .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless , have a blessed day !