Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God's Wonderful Word

God’s Wonderful Word
Thy Word is like a garden , Lord ,
With flowers bright and fair ;
And every one who seeks may pluck
A lovely cluster there .
Thy word is like a deep , deep mine ;
And jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depths
For every searcher there .
Thy Word is like a starry host ;
A thousand rays of light
Are seen to guide the traveler ,
And make his pathway bright
Thy Word is like an armory
Where soldiers may repair ,
And find, for life’s long battle day ,
All needful weapons there ,
O may I love Thy precious word ,
May I explore the mine ,
May I its fragrant flowers glean ,
May light upon me shine ,
O may I find my armor there ,
Thy Word my trusty sword ;
I’ll learn to fight with every foe
The battle of the Lord .
Jan Bagwell
God is Great and we are a Blessed People !