Monday, December 21, 2009

Joy to the world ! God Gift

Joy to the World!
God’s Gift
He did not use a silvery box
Or paper green and red.
God laid His Christmas Gift to men
Within a manger bed .
No silken cord was used to bind .
The Gift sent from above .
“Twas wrapped in swaddling clothes
and bound
In cords of tender love .
There was no evergreen to which
His precious Gift was tied .
Upon a bare tree on a hill
His Gift was hung …and died .
“Twas taken down from off the tree
And laid beneath the sod .
But death itself could not destroy
The precious Gift of God .
With mighty hand He lifted Him
From out the stony grave .
Forevermore for everyman
A living Gift He gave .
For God so loved the world , that He gave His only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life . John 3:16
Jan Bagwell 12/20/09