Sunday, November 1, 2009

To set tree

To Set Tree

It takes love to set a tree –
Love for each twig and branch we see ,
Love for the beautiful God has made –
To clear the ground and use the spade .

It takes happiness to set a tree
With a heart so full of joy and glee ,
For no one could be otherwise
As he digs and looks to the skies .

It takes contentment to set a tree –
Content with all there is to be ,
For who could be dissatisfied
With anything that therein lies .

It takes courage to set a tree –
Courage to use the things we see
Instead of wishing for some sprier
Go to the woods and it is there.

It takes faith to set a tree –
Faith in all that comes from Thee,
For what assurance does one give
Or guarantee that it will live ?

IT takes hope to set a tree –
Hope that one will live to see
Some good thing that in it shows
As it looks to God and grows
Jan bagwell