Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh God ,how great is Thy handiwork

Of Nature’s mighty works on display ,
For miles of breathtaking beauty ,
No pen of man could portray .
Such splender is given to Thy landscapes ,
To places both high and low ,
So that great or small might behold it
We know that our lord planned it so .
I thank God for eyes to behold such splender
And for heart attuned to His own ,
So I can appreciate the wonders of Autumn
Long after it come and gone .
I thank you ,God for each season
Which ever it may be,
For I know there is beauty to be found
If only eyes will see .
Let me not take for granted this great universe
You’ve given for us to enjoy and share,
We know from your word, eye has not seen or ear heard
The joys You’ve prepared for us there.
Jan Bagwell