Monday, July 20, 2009

To sleep


Of all the thoughts of God that are
Borne inward unto souls a far ,
Along the Psalmist’s music deep ,
Now tell me if that any is ,
For gift or grace , surpassing this –
“He givth His beloved ,sleep “?

“Sleep soft , beloved !” we sometimes say ,
but have no tune to charm away
Sad dreams that through the eyelids creep:
But never doleful dream again
Shall break the happy slumber ,when
“He giveth His beloved ,sleep .”

O earth so full of dreary noises !
O men , with wailing in your voices !
O strife , O curse ,that o’er it fall !
God makes a silence through you all ,
And “ giveth His beloved ,sleep .”

And friends , dear friends ,when it shall be
That this low breath is gone from me ,
And round my bier ye come to weep ,
Let one ,most loving of you all,
Say ,”Not a tear must o’er him fall !
“He giveth His beloved , sleep .”
Jan Bagwell