Thursday, December 3, 2009

Frist Christmas in Heaven

Frist Christmas in heaven

I’ve had my first Christmas in heaven ,
A glorious, wonderful day !
I stood with saints of the ages
Who found Christ , the Truth , and the Way.

I sang with the heavenly choir ;
Just think ! I , who so long to sing !
And oh ! what celestial music
We brought to our Saviour and King !

We sang the glad songs of redemption ,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came ,
And how they had called His name .

We sang once again with the angels ,
The song that they sang that blest morn ,
When shepherds first heard the glad story
That Jesus ,the Saviour , was born .

O , dear one , I wish you had been here :
No Christmas on earth could compare
With all the rapture and glory
We witnessed in Heaven so fair .

You know how I always loved Christmas ;
It seemed such a wonderful day ,
With all of my loved ones around me ,
The children so happy and gay .

Yes, now I can see why I loved it ,
And , Oh ,what a joy it will be ,
When all of my loved ones are with me ,
To share in the glories I see .

So dear ones on earth , here’s my greeting :
Look up till the day dawn appears ,
And Oh ,what a Christmas awaits us ,
Beyond all our partings and tears .
Jan Bagwell