Wednesday, November 11, 2009

O Night of Wonder

O Night of Wonder
O night of wonder and delight !
O night of glory and surprise !
With one road stretching clear and bright
Before our eager ,dazzled eyes .
Drawn by the magnet of a star ;
Drawn by an unseen power we take
A silver road that leads afar ,
And follow it for Christ’s dear sake .

O King of Kings ,and Lord of lords ,
We fall before thy starlit throne .
Humble we are –there are no words
With which we fitly can make known

Our heart’s elation and desire .
We search for words we cannot find –
The air is drenched with silver fire ,
Too bright for eyes that are struck blind .

Accept our silence as high praise ,
Our rapture ,as a thing of worth .
We are stricken with the old amaze :
The strange sweet wonder of thy birth .
Jan Bagwell
We must give him praise !! May you have a wonderful day my friends .