Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hold high the Torch !

Hold High The Torch !

You did not light its glow –
,Twas given you by other hands you know .
‘Tis yours to keep it burning bright !
Yours to pass on when you no more need light:
For there are other feet that we must guide
And other forms go marching by our side :
Their eyes are watching every smile and tear .
And efforts which we think are not worthwhile
Are sometimes just the very help they need ,
Action to which their souls would give most heed :
So that in turn they’ll it hold it high
And say :”I watched someone else carry it this way .”
I think it started down its pathway bright
The day the Maker said , Let there be light .”
“Ye are the light of the world –
Go Shine For Me

Jan Bagwell